Wednesday, August 19, 2009

What does OJT stand for?

July 13, 2008 Old Betsy Halata didn't want to go home yet from Kerrville after being there a week with 2 other members of OJT.

July 12, 2009 the Harris's had a flat on the way home from Kerrville were they were there with 4 members of OJT.

July 25, 2009 on the way home from Moulton Jamboree Cook off that 3 of the OJT members cooked in.

It isn't a complete blog without all the OJT car issues.
Leggis's trailer got hit on Beltway 8 July 13, 2008 on the way home from a week in Kerrville with 2 other OJT members.
One of Cochran's friends had a flat Aug. 14, 2009 on the way to meet the majority of OJT at Leisure Resort.
Did I miss anything? Maybe there is a whole new meaning to OJT.

1 comment:

  1. Great post! You forgot my parent's tire that went flat...and the spare went flat on the way home...there is something to this OJT stuff!
