Monday, September 28, 2009

Real Men of OJT

"Kick me and you'll be missing a mullet"
Moulton '09

Kerrville '09

Yogi '08

Kerrville '08

Texana '08

Texana '09

Kerrville '09

Kerrville '09

Yogi March '09

Yogi March '09

Galveston '09

Texana '09

Texana '09

Texana '09

OK I have been working on getting some good pictures of the Real Men of OJT. I am sad to say that some how I am missing Tommy. Someone must have some good ones. Send them to me and I will update the Real Men of OJT. We have a large variety of some of these guys and not so much of the others. One guess of who the most variety is of??

But We love them and they are great Dad's!!!!!

Rodeo '09
Texana '08

Texana '09

Yogi '09

Texana '09

Yogi '08

Galveston '08

Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Men of OJT - Sep 09

Mike and Brian...concentrating on the Texans didn't help, they didn't win.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

All Jacked Up in AZ?

Look what we found in Scottsdale, Arizona at a little bar called Rusty Spur!

"All Jacked Up Big Time"

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Labor Day Weekend - Lake Texana

OJT made the yearly trip to Lake Texana over the Labor Day holiday weekend. We had a total of 14 trailers and I think the head count was between 50 and 60 people. We had age ranges from as old as 87 (or older) and as young as 1! It was a good time for all of us. Here are some of the highlights...

Julie R and Keri

COACH HALATA! He looked like a coach in his shorts and tennis shoes and the bark collar control looked like a big whistle. Some of us were having flashbacks to the old Friends episode when Phoebe's boyfriend dressed like this and everyone could see his you know what! Luckily Brian had is 'Spanks' on under his shorts!

Brian imitating Jill walking on the treadmill and reading her book...while he is trying to talk to her (and she is ignoring him).

Dennis, Jill and Wendy laughing at Brian aka Coach Halata.
Jill H pointing out her bruised of the many times!
Jill H: "COME ON!"

Dennis, Jill H and Wendy
Jason being Jason...

Julie R, as a founding OJT member, enacted our first rule: no showing of private parts! Well, we all know OJT members have serious problems with following rules, so we'll see how we do. We know Jason H will fail miserably...and did right after this enactment.
And don't ask me why my husband is trying to look up her shirt...busted!
Wendy and Jill H
Jill H and Dennis. Dennis felt the need to try negative reinforcement and jab Jill every time she dropped a f-bomb. She didn't get any better, kept sitting by him and ended up with many bruises.
Dennis made a huge movie screen so the kids could have movie night while camping. They enjoyed it as well as the adults. Plus other campers in the park! We played a kids movie first, then put the kids to bed and put on an adult movie for those still awake!
Dennis had just spilled his drink on Jill H while trying to jab her for saying the f-bomb. She didn't realize he was behind her when she said it and he of course had a full drink in his hand!

Rusty, Chili and Brian

Brian, Rusty, Keri and Jason chillaxin

We lost Jason for a minute.

He woke up to go shower with Brian so he didn't have to go by himself and have some strange old man talk to him again. However it was like 2 in the morning, so I don't think that would have happened...but they were being safe.

Our kids don't know roughing it! They have full size moonwalks too....Avrey, Cora and Reagan

Bailey sniffing Reid's butt....while Jill L watches...that is all jacked up! It isn't camping at Texana without a big storm rolling through to blow the tents away!

Keri doing her share to protect the margarita machine.

More people were holding the little tent down than the big one!

Jason and Tim holding down the tent.
Jill H being accosted by Jason as usual.

Jason accosting Rusty under the tent...

OJT family picture - a Wolford, a Hoppens and a Halata!